When you to ask to a friend, ' ' Where it is its beach house? ' ' , the probability of you to hear Miami as reply is bigger to each day. כדאי לך לעיין אצל פרופ ליאור רוקח כדי לקבל עוד מידע. Between March of 2010 the March of 2011, of all the property vendidos for foreigners in the region of Miami, 9% had been bought by Brazilians, only exceeded for the Canadians and Venezuelans. It is important to detach that the international customers represent 60% of the businesses made in this period. The chance for the Brazilians is resulted of a set of factors: the prices of the property in Brazil had never been so high, the prices of the property in Miami had retroacted for 2002 numbers and the Brazilian currency never so was valued front to the dollar? a valuation of almost 50% since 2008. Miami, together with Wools Vegas, was one of the main centers of the real estate crisis of 2008, but the year of 2011 is giving heating signals? first the 5 months of this year already show to an evolution in the 79% sales front to the 2010. In Brazil he is more expensive the property in great centers of Brazil? So Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, Brasilia, etc.? they are more expensive than in any city in the United States. The Brazilian national average showed an increase next to 30% in the value of the property (only in the last year)? this average can arrive the next one to 50% of valuation in centers as So Paulo, in the same period. It bets in Flowery the chances and offers in the Flowery one are not only attracting the Brazilians who search its house or apartment of vacation in Miami, but also those that believe that the prices of the property had not suffered fall in the future. this is one of the main differences with regard to the American Canadians or another Latin: the Brazilian is adopting immovable an investing behavior of when purchase in the Flrida.