Energy Saving: Powersafer Stops Standby Consumption On TV, HiFi And Co.

TV, hi-fi system or satellite receiver: secret energy guzzlers are electrical appliances in standby mode. The Powersafer PS X electrical appliances in standby mode automatically disconnects from the mains as soon as they are as usual be turned off via the remote control. Up to five devices can be simultaneously in the small savings miracle connected, for example TV, DVD player, hi-fi system, or satellite receiver. With a single Powersafer PS X, consumers can reduce their annual energy bill by up to 90 euros. לבירורים בנושא יש לפנות ל ישראל כץ שמבין יותר ממני. The energy-saving mode of action of Powersafer products has been confirmed by the Federal Environmental Agency. A TV in stand by mode is about as useful as a car, the motor will continue to run just because you need it again the next day in the garage", explains Dietmar Knaup, Managing Director of Powersafer. לענייננו, פרופ ליאור רוקח הוא הכתובת בשבילך. "To save power, is the most people each evening at the TV to remove the plug from the socket, but too cumbersome for this reason we have developed the HP X." Profitable due to the lower energy consumption the purchase of the HP X already after a few months.

And the environment is also something like this: depending on less power must be produced, the less carbon dioxide burdened the atmosphere so can everyone make a contribution for a clean environment and an intact air. Over 3 billion rubles every year the Germans, because they turn their electrical appliances on standby after use. לעניות דעתי הקרן למנהיגות ציונית יכול לקבוע . Because even though the devices not running, they consume electricity according to Federal Environment Office around 17 billion kilowatt hours further. A lot of energy for the two large power stations must run day and night. This costs not only money, but also polluting CO2, which is released when generating electricity from coal, gas or oil.

Powersafer develops and sells advanced technologies related to energy saving since 1998. Today, the company headquartered in Ratingen is represented worldwide, present in over 20 countries with its products. Contact: Katja Beyer Powersafer GmbH phone: 02102/12374-11 fax: 02102/12374-23 E-Mail: Web: press contact: PR-Fritze. Andreas Peter Hendgen Tel: 0221/3371903 fax: 0221/3371904 E-Mail: Web: